How to Setup Windows as a Node.js Server Environment

Install the following in this order:

  1. cmder Console Emulator for Windows. Use the Download Full link.
    • Download and unzip into C:\Users\your-username-here\cmder.
    • Open the C:\Users\your-username-here\cmder directory right click on cmdre.exe click Pin to Taskbar.
  2. nvm-windows Node Version Manager for Windows.
    • Download
    • Extract the nvm-setup.exe file somewhere and run it.
    • TODO: The installer isn’t updating the PATH correctly so the node, npm and nvm commands may not work. Make sure to add the following to Window’s PATH:
      • Open the cmder console you installed above and run:
          setx path "%path%;C:\Users\your-username-here\AppData\Roaming\nvm;C:\Program Files\nodejs;"
    • run:

        nvm install 8.9.4
        nvm use 8.9.4
        node -v
        # Should return 8.9.4
  3. windows-build-tools C++ Build Tools for Windows using npm
     > Note: This will take 10 - 30 minutes to complete.  * Right click on the `cmder` console icon you installed above and run it as an Administrator. Then run:    * `npm install --global --production windows-build-tools`

You should now have the commands, node, npm, nvm and git available from any command line or cmder console.